Happy New Moon,
I hope the first New Moon of 2018 is a reminder to feel our way into what lights us up inside. I've been working with the dark, slow, cool energy of the season using Yin Yoga as a guide. Taking time to feel what's there before adding any vigor allows the connective tissue (what holds you together) to tell its story before the muscles add complexity to the conversation.
Try holding a supported back bend, seated forward fold, side bend and a reclined twist for 3-5 minutes each before your regular practice. I promise no matter what you do next, you'll feel a difference and move with greater ease. By giving connective tissue time to release, you're supporting range of motion, stimulating organs, and mastering the guidance of breath into sensation.
I'll show you the formula THIS Saturday at Bala Yoga in Fremont, 2-4pm. We'll begin with Yin and move into Vinyasa while directing energy to the kidneys and bladder, the organs of the season. Learn to support the body in a healthy stretch that's anything but boring and add more creativity to your yoga's flow.