It's good to be home.
Home isn't always where you live. Home is where you feel safe, familiar and known. Home isn't just a place, it's a feeling. I don't have to explain, you know when you're at home. As we round the corner on fall and move into the holidays, it means honoring tradition with the people you know best.
Since the season is built for reflection, it's also time to recognize what we hold personally sacred. Make space. Slow down. Listen. When we observe without attachment, truth shares its voice.
It can be tough to begin this deeper work for ourselves alone. Let's work, listen and observe together, transitioning into darkness while kindling the light within.
I'll be in Kirkland, Capitol Hill and Fremont offering Yin, Vinyasa, Sound Healing workshops and subbing classes while I'm in town. Here's the complete calender.
If you find the guidance of nature helpful, come to Whidbey for the weekend, Jan 12-14 or join us in Mexico, Feb 10-17.
Let's discover and remember. Together.
Fall | Seattle Workshops
Photo provided by Bala Yoga